
The business doesn’t produce the results. People do.

Only when owners, leaders and teams are firing on all cylinders can the full potential of the people and organization be fully realized. Despite having ample ambition, tons of talent and a successful track record, you know there is more potential within you and your teams.

More potential for faster progress, greater confidence, bigger results and deeper fulfillment.

Your Ignition Coach works in partnership with you to develop and execute a strategic approach to elevating your performance and transforming your results, while putting you on a trajectory toward achieving your greatest potential—both professionally and personally.

Your Partner in Results

Screenshot 2015-05-24 14.59.01The Ignition Coaching approach is designed to empower you with the focus, insights, development and accountability you need to achieve the consistent results you demand in your business, career and life. Your coach works with you to amplify your strengths, remove the barriers to your success and develop a roadmap for accelerated progress.

Working with The Ignition Company is not for everyone. It is only for those who want to achieve something meaningful. Those who know they have greater potential within them and are willing to commit to their own development, goals and the actions needed to achieve their ultimate success and fulfillment.

The Ignition Coaching Pyramid is a five-part success framework customized to your situation and desired results. It guides the coaching relationship to inform the best strategies, tools, action plans and measurements needed to achieve your success.

  1. Clarify your direction – everything starts with clarity. That includes what you ultimately want to achieve, become and contribute, as well as clarity about what is getting in your way of having your business, career or life just the way you want it. We constantly recalibrate as you make progress and as  new opportunities or challenges arise.
  1. Strategize your actions and areas of focus – we take a strategic view of what we need to focus on and determine which approach, tools or techniques will accelerate your results and best align to your strengths and natural style. In partnership with your coach, you identify what will enable best enable you to show up and do the work necessary to ensure you achieve your goals.
  1. Upgrade your skills – achieving success requires you to strengthen the essential skills of self-leadership as well as any business-specific skills to influence, persuade and consistently make progress. We will identify any skill gaps and which skills could use a little dusting off, then decide whether it’s  something we can achieve within your coaching or if other resources are required (books, courses, job training, online videos, self-study, etc.).
  1. Optimize your systems and environment – your day-to-day approach to your work, priorities and key performance indicators dramatically impacts your productivity, focus and effectiveness. We’ll identify what needs to change to improve your performance, and what needs to be eliminated so you can flourish.
  1. Master your inner resources – this is the foundation for all progress, achievement and fulfillment. Your outer success is only limited by your inner state of mind, emotional resiliency, energy levels, habits and the extent to which you are living in alignment with your deepest values. We will use highly-proven tools to strengthen and master your inner resources so you can achieve your ultimate potential.

About Ignition Coaching

  • Experienced coach to C-Suite executives, directors, team leaders and aspiring achievers in more than a dozen countries
  • Trained by The Coaching Academy—the UK’s largest coaching certification school—and certified Elite Peak Performance Coach from Robbins Research International
  • 20+ years of international business experience dealing with rapid growth, high pressure and fast-paced environments
  • Master coaching in the psychology of high performance, human motivation and creating lasting behaviour change

  • We work intimately with clients to uncover their true ambitions then create a blueprint for progress and success using a proven set of tools, technologies and practical performance practices to create powerful alignment between your inner resources—focus, energy, determination, confidence and courage—and outer ambitions

What Clients Say

Everything started to change…

I was stuck in a rut as my ‘To Do’ lists continued to grow out of control. I came to realize that having a great coach like Chris is crucial to maximizing your potential.

Chris helped me focus on my key goals, pushed me to achieve more and held me accountable to ensure I did not revert back to old habits.

In just a short time, I became more conscious about my daily actions and made improvements in all aspects of my life, personal and professional. I am now taking better care of my health. I am also taking actions on purchasing investment property opportunities that I had missed in the past.

All professional athletes need great coaches to maximize their performance; Chris is that coach, mentor and friend to get the best out of your professional and personal life, and is truly sincere in his care for his clients.

Neil Henderson
Ontario, Canada

I moved from stuck to striving again…

I had the best intentions but for some reason I was stuck and not moving forward as I wanted with my projects.

Chris had an excellent approach to coaching that helped me move forward in my business and in my personal development. He knows precisely where to focus your efforts and helped me prioritize my plan to get things done. 

I was able to better understand what makes me strive for action.He gave me great practical knowledge, tools and techniques to overcome the stale state I could be in and also went out of his way to help me by giving me feedback and tips on my projects.

I found coaching to be a great addition to reach success. Chris is very friendly and he will move you into action and keep on track. Chris comes highly recommended by myself and others. 

Naeco Claude Farah
Project Manager & Business Owner
Montreal, Canada

If you want to take your life to a whole new level, then Chris is the coach for you…

If you want to take your life to a whole new level, then Chris is the coach for you. He is an outstanding coach, who has supported me to progress my my life in a wide range of areas, such as mindset, work, health, managing my energy levels and simply being more of my true self.

He combines unique coaching skills which never fail to surprise me with the insight and progress I make from each session, with a style that is effective, safe and kind, to help me achieve my dreams and greater purpose for my life. The value I receive from coaching with Chris, is absolutely priceless!

Irene A.
Director & Business Owner
London, UK

I am now in a higher paying job I love and know where I am going…

Before starting the coaching with Chris I was thinking of changing jobs and how I could really bring my life to the next level in all regards. While I had some ideas how to do that I really lacked the tools, state and mindset to get there.

Working with Chris was a very unique experience. Every coaching session I could be sure to come out highly motivated and in a powerful state. Chris can get you instantly lifted up and know to ask the right questions you need in exactly that moment. What I definitely like about Chris is his not only pure coaching by questioning, but having suggestions and tools that inspire clarity and action.

Now, I am in a higher paid job I love and know where I am going. I attribute quite a lot of my success to Chris’ support. Especially who I become and how my view expanded on what life can offer me.

If you feel like there should be more and you can become more, Chris is definitely an outstanding choice for your “change agent”. Go for it!

Thomas Seidel
Country Manager, Services
Zurich, Switzerland

My income increased TENFOLD….

I was looking for a great coach to keep me accountable to following through on my goals for improving my financial situation.

The results? My income increased TENFOLD.One of the most powerful things was changing the types of questions I ask myself on a daily basis: my mindset improved, I learned how to stay calm in stressful situations, how to break limiting/damaging habits, and specific techniques to maximize my time management.

Chris genuinely cares and would regularly check in outside of scheduled calls to make sure I was on track.

If you want to try and figure all this stuff out on your own, good luck! Or you can work with Chris and get high level insights, accountability and results today.

Deep Johal
Senior Business Developer
London, UK