We help solve the people issues behind the business issues.

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Your leaders and employees have plenty of experience and skills, but in the current environment of high expectations and limited resources, they need new insights and new practices to sustain performance.

Discover which behaviours are undermining performance and gain a fresh perspective to this modern working world dilemma.


In spite of advanced technology and workplace flexibility, today’s workers are more overloaded, distracted and out of balance than ever before.

What people need are new insights, new rules and new tools so they can flourish—personally and in their role—and add the greatest value to their teams, the business and your customers.


Ignition Coaching works with leaders and teams to develop a roadmap to accelerate to their next level of success, satisfaction and impact.

Based on a proven strengths assessment and personal questionnaires, The Ignition Company is your partner in identifying what you truly want and removing the barriers to getting there.

Companies Our Team Has Served

He talks the talk and walks the walk…

Chris is a credible authority on sustainable high performance.

Director, Learning & Development
General Electric

My income increased TENFOLD….

I was looking for a great coach to keep me accountable to following through on my goals for improving my financial situation.

The results? My income increased TENFOLD. One of the most powerful things was changing the types of questions I ask myself on a daily basis: my mindset improved, I learned how to stay calm in stressful situations, how to break limiting/damaging habits, and specific techniques to maximize my time management.

Deep Johal
Senior Business Developer
London, UK

Everything started to change…

Chris helped me focus on my key goals, pushed me to achieve more and held me accountable to ensure I did not revert back to old habits.

In just a short time, I became more conscious about my daily actions and made improvements in all aspects of my life, personal and professional.

Neil Henderson
Ontario, Canada

I highly recommend this course…

Chris is a great trainer and coach in high performance. He has an incredible talent at uncovering the truth about what gets in the way and his tips and solutions are always very insightful and practical. I highly recommend attending this course!

Sean K.
Random House Publishing
London, UK

Chris delivered exactly what we hoped, and more!…

Chris absolutely nailed it. The feedback has been quite amazing really.

More than 90% said the content was critical to their job success and 100% of the audience thought Chris’ content, pace and style were great. It all related well to what BT needed – it was as if he had been working within BT for years. Chris delivered exactly what we hoped, and more!

HR Senior Manager
British Telecom

I’m amazed at how my days are so much more effective…

Since attending Productivity Mastery I am amazed at how my days are so much more effective. I feel in control again, my confidence is high and I no longer start or end my days overwhelmed and anxious. I highly recommend this course to anyone who desires to be more productive.

Lisa T.
Newlon Housing Trust
London, UK

I am now in a higher paying job I love and know where I am going…

Now, I am in a higher paid job I love and know where I am going. I attribute quite a lot of my success to Chris’ support. Especially who I become and how my view expanded on what life can offer me.

If you feel like there should be more and you can become more, Chris is definitely an outstanding choice for your “change agent”. Go for it!

Thomas Seidel
Country Manager, Services
Zurich, Switzerland

There’s a reason we keep inviting him back…

Chris has delivered the closing day at our annual leadership conference for 5 years straight. The feedback from our global audience of 128 participants was some of the best we’ve ever seen. We look forward to continuing to have Chris share the ideas to help us sustain our high performance.

Director, Leadership & Executive Development
Schneider Electric

I moved from stuck to striving again…

Chris had an excellent approach to coaching that helped me move forward in my business and in my personal development. He knows precisely where to focus your efforts and helped me prioritize my plan to get things done. 

Naeco Claude Farah
Project Manager & Business Owner
Montreal, Canada

Voted “Best of the Programme”…

We had multiple high profile speakers during our week long ‘Leadership Edge’ program for our most talented managers and future leaders in Europe, Middle East and Asia. It was a risk bringing in someone we haven’t used before but Chris exceeded our expectations. His energy and insightful ideas were a hit. At the end of the week it was the most talked about session and Chris was voted “Best of the Programme”. We’d be delighted to have him at our next event.

Director, Corporate Learning & Development, EMEA
Johnson Controls

If you want to take your life to a whole new level, then Chris is the coach for you…

The value I receive from coaching with Chris, is absolutely priceless! He combines unique coaching skills which never fail to surprise me with the insight and progress I make from each session, with a style that is effective, safe and kind, to help me achieve my dreams and greater purpose for my life.

Irene A.
Director & Business Owner
London, UK

Chris was outstanding and the results were unprecedented…

Chris was outstanding. His high energy and passion for the message was clear and we couldn’t be more pleased with the results.

98% of the 450 participants in the 11 workshops said they ‘highly recommend it to their colleagues’ – this level of endorsement was unprecedented for us, and Chris has set a high benchmark that will be tough to beat.

HR Director
Microsoft EMEA Services & Support Business